Tsugi is a joinery
Fascinated by Japanese wooden joints and the precision in working with them Tsugi's work exist entirely out of solid wood joint together. These connections in wood slide in and out of each other without being fixed by glue. In this manner both the one element as the whole keep their value, same as we ourselves are able to tightly connect with another human being while staying in touch with our own identity and truth.
Tsugi comes from the Japanese and is short for tsugite, which stands for connection or joint.
More specifically, a joint connecting two pieces of wood along their length. The Kanawa tsugi is a great example - see below. Tsugi also translates as next, which refers to the next phase in the cycle, a new purpose for the wood, having started out as a tree, and now lives on in the shape of a meaningfull handcrafted object. Tsugi (next) also revers to artisan skills being handed down through the generations.

Daan Simons
After a career in theatre as a maker and performer, Daan Simons now crafts furniture out of native solid wood under the name Tsugi. His clean, contemporary designs draw their inspiration from ancient Japanese and European wood joining techniques.
These handmade furniture pieces, with their sophisticated wooden joints, are sensual to the touch and inspire us to reflect upon life and relationships. Sleek, contemporary design exudes tranquillity.
The various wood joints are put together in such away that they can move freely with the seasons - as wood contracts in winter and expands in summer. They are metaphors for the ideal relationship - supporting themselves, each other and the whole: bound together in freedom.