Tsugi Journal | spring 2023
Every Season I send out a 'Newsletter', so 4 times a year a compillation of post about Tsugi's work, inspirations, woodworking technique's and other interesting info
Tsugi Journal | spring 2023

Rituals | totems | objects
rituals | totems | objects highlights different perspectives on the totem as a spiritual instrument.
On the evening of Thursday 25 May, woodworker Daan Simons of Tsugi Woodworks and illustrator Noa Zuidervaart will present their collaborative project, “Totem”. They will share with the audience their research into contemporary uses of the traditional totem.
In addition, artist and researcher Mirjam Linschooten will show some of her recent projects. She questions the way we interact with (ethnographic) objects and shows how they have coloured our view of history.
Tatjana Cady, of the Abenaki Turtle Clan shares insights and stories from her own experience as a practitioner and teacher of Abenaki Women’s Sacred Wisdom Teachings & Practices and Medicine Wheel Teachings. Tatjana comes from Abenaki, Mohawk, Huron, French and German lineage. As a child she was adopted as first daughter by Grandmother Nanatasis in a traditional Abenaki family ceremony. Her spiritual practice is from the Native American Northeast Woodlands, based in Abenaki ceremonies and teachings.
She would say that her practice is to wake up in the morning and offer her gratitude to the first thing happens each day. "Thank you Ktsi Nwask (Creator)" for the breath of life, thank you for the Sun and all that he brings, thank you for the Earth Mother and all that she brings. Tatjana attends the evening online from North America.
The evening starts at 19:00, with a walk-in from 18:45. You are also welcome to join Plantage DOK's café for a tasty vegan supper from 18:00. Please make your reservation here.

Tsugi is working on a new project: “Totem”. In this project, I will work with illustrator Noa Zuidervaart to find a way to express in woodwork the connection between humans and nature. Our collaboration has been made possible by The Creative Industries Fund NL. They paired Noa and I together as young makers through the Building Talent Scheme. Together, we will make spiritual objects that tie in with the age-old tradition of using totems. In the second week of March, we began in the wood workshop. Have a look at our first exercise in the picture above. You can read more about the project here.
opening the Joinery - save the date

After a long time building and rebuilding, it is finally here: The Joinery, the workshop/development and meeting space I created together with my fellow woodworkers Olga Micińska, Maurice van der Kraats and Ruud Dubel. It’s finished! On Sunday September 17, we will celebrate the opening - and the 3 year existence - of the Joinery. From 14:00 you are most welcome. Work by all four of us will be on display and of course we will provide food, drinks and music.
Table #6: short film

In the midst of the COVID pandemic, filmmaker Gonzalo Fernandez and I made the short film Table#6. In 22 minutes, you witness the poetic quality of making a table without glue or screws - inspired by Japanese wood joints. Step by step, a stack of pearwood planks is transformed into a table. Despite the restrictions, our film has been screened at several places in recent years, including the Ambacht in Beeld Festival and Filmtheater De Fabriek in Zaandam. You can now watch it in full on Tsugi's website. Table # 6 is generously supported by the Amsterdam Fund of the Arts (AFK).
Soundtrack van Table #6

We are very grateful to the band Tczeebo for the beautiful soundtrack! The album Table Music was composed and recorded especially for our film. You can listen to it here.
Crafts Council Nederland

Crafts Council Nederland is a platform that makes the development of creative craft and manufacturing culture in our country visible. For ten years, they have been supporting makers in their development and facilitating the exchange of knowledge, research and innovation. Crafts Council helps us work towards a sustainable future where tradition and innovation go hand in hand.
To do all this positive work, the platform could really use your help. Would you like to contribute to this place of education, presentation and community building? Read more and become a friend!